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Give the Skin a Healthy Jolt with Caffeine


Studies have shown moderate consumption of caffeine may bolster internal health, and most consumers can attest to its ability to boost alertness and mood; however, the newest trend is caffeine in topical applications, which led Jeff Russell, executive director of the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM) to question the safety and efficacy of such formulations.

Caffeine causes vasoconstriction, which can decrease skin redness and possibly reduce puffiness when included in products such as eye creams. Its diuretic properties coupled with the ability to increase microcirculation have led formulators to include caffeine in anti-cellulite products. And the fact that studies have shown caffeine may be able to decrease the formation of skin cancer after exposure to UVB may make it a go-to addition in sun care products. Less well-substantiated are claims that caffeine could increase hair growth or prevent hair loss.

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