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Safety, Efficacy and Affordability—Keys to a Unique Cosmeceutical Line for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is associated with dramatic physiological changes in every organ system. The heart, the lungs and the circulatory system change to accommodate the growing fetus. Hormonal changes are also extreme, primarily due to the high levels of placental hormones. These hormonal changes affect the skin, the scalp and hair growth and are very familiar to every practicing obstetrician. The cosmetic ...(More)

Exotic Cosmeceutical Ingredients
Exotic ingredients are hot in the cosmeceutical industry. From Asia into the Amazon, researchers are learning more about superfruits and other botanicals with application in the personal care industry.Acerola fruit grows on a bush native to Brazil. Acerola has remarkably high vitamin C content and also contains carotenoids and bioflavonoids, other powerful antioxidants. Acerola has been documented to have significant ...(More)

Energizing with Camphor
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) is a large, hardy evergreen tree that grows very tall; its strong connection to the earth gives it the capacity to energize the base chakra, stimulating the body’s vital energy. Ancients believed camphor gave life to the body after death; hence, it used to form an important ingredient of embalming. Camphor’s red energy gives motivation and reduces ...(More)

Give the Skin a Healthy Jolt with Caffeine
Studies have shown moderate consumption of caffeine may bolster internal health, and most consumers can attest to its ability to boost alertness and mood; however, the newest trend is caffeine in topical applications, which led Jeff Russell, executive director of the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM) to question the safety and efficacy of such formulations. Caffeine causes ...(More)

Anti-Aging or Healthy Aging
The addiction to anti-aging products is not only deceiving, it’s expensive and often offers little in return. Women spend $200 to $300 on anti-aging products without a second thought. These youth-giving, wrinkle-erasing, age-defying products are no longer considered a luxury, they are a necessity like shampoo and body soap. But the marketing angle seems to be shifting. Many products are ...(More)

Antioxidants: Skinfully Rich!
In ancient times, women used fruits, seeds and other plant materials to mix up facial creams in the never-ending quest for a youthful appearance. Today, breakthroughs in manufacturing and scientific research are driving formulators to incorporate a range of phytonutrients, vitamins, probiotics and other ingredients in anti-aging products with beneficial results.Foremost among the anti-aging brigade are antioxidants, which are superlative ...(More)

What is a Cosmeceutical?
As the cosmetic and nutraceutical worlds differ on their definition of cosmeceutical, it is becoming more necessary to define this nebulous sector of cosmetics. The cosmetics world views the term “cosmeceutical” as a collision of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, where as the healthy food and supplement industry defines it as the crossover of nutraceuticals with cosmetics. Currently, there is no regulation ...(More)

Gluten Free Inside and Out
Celiac disease (CD)/gluten intolerance (GI) affects 1 out of 133 Americans, or about 3 million people. This autoimmune disorder is genetic and leaves one unable to digest gluten properly. The result of this autoimmune disorder is damage and flattening to the villi that are responsible for absorption of nutrients. Those with CD have more advanced damage to their intestine as ...(More)

A Natural Approach to Rosacea
Skin ailment such as acne, rosacea and eczema plague many consumers today. They are often highly visible and hard to treat. Rosacea causes facial redness and sensitivity, often forming into noticeable inflamed bumps and pimples. It affects about 10 percent of the population and is commonly treated with antibiotics and previously, sulfur-containing creams.The natural skin care market can offer benefits ...(More)

Dissecting Hair Care Products
There are a range of ingredients in many so-called natural hair care products and it is often unknown exactly what they are and what they do to the hair and scalp. The primary ingredients in shampoos are called surfactants or surface-active-agents. These substances are capable of emulsifying oils and holding dirt in suspension so that they can be rinsed away ...(More)

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