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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the managing editor for inside cosmeceuticals and production editor for Natural Products INSIDER. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

Beauty Rescue: Get Involved!

Posted in Blog, Business Issues

Beauty and cosmetic companies from all over the world are getting involved and donating to relief efforts for the victims in Japan. Big cosmetic brands such as Shiseido and SK-II are located in Japan, and they took a hit with the recent catastrophes. The Red Cross is accepting donations, but you can find your own way to help and get involved.

BellaSugar gave a list of companies that have contributed. I’ve listed them here to give you a little inspiration:

  • Procter & Gamble: They’re donating $1.2 billion in cash and products.
  • Amway: They donated an initial ¥100 million and is going to match its employee’s donations up to $250,000.
  • Hello Kitty’s Japan-based parent company Sanrio has also donated.
  • Sanrio, the company behind the Japan-based Hello Kitty brand, has donated to relief efforts.
  • L'Oréal is donating $1.3 million to the Japanese Red Cross .
  • $100 from every sale of Temptu’s Airbrush Makeup System Kits is going to Red Cross until the end of March.
  • Lush is talking about donating 40,000 soaps to the affected areas.

How will you contribute?

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