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Are Consumers Ready to Go Green?

September 17, 2010 Comments

Green is gold, or rather, golden. It’s the Emerald City and companies are continuously searching for the “Green Brick Road" that leads to the most sustainable ends. However, the problem, or “burden", may not fall on businesses’ laps, it may be up to consumers, and the question becomes, “Are consumers ready to go green?" As reported, Jenny Rushmore, global sustainability leader for P&G beauty and grooming, says no, consumers are “not prepared to make sacrifices to achieve [green]."

“P&G works on the principle that sustainability must not represent tradeoffs in terms of price or product quality for the consumer. Neither, of course, can it be too costly for the corporation," according to

Rushmore stated even though consumers tout eco-friendly, they really aren’t willing to pay the price for it, as tests show. In regards to cosmetic packaging, Rushmore said “aesthetics must not be jeopardized." Consumers buy things that are visually appealing, so slacking on the aesthetics is a no-no. So how do you go green but still keep your packaging appealing? Reduce the amount of packaging used on each product.

Green is not only the future, it’s the present; and presently, there is a search for a balance between price and sustainability. But new ways to approach this issue are evolving and companies will continue to come up with new ideas as the efforts toward green continue.

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