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Natural, Organic ‘Showing Up’ Beauty Market


DUBLIN— According to Research and Markets’ recently released "U.S. Cosmetic & Toiletries Market Analysis", the natural and organic sector of beauty is flourishing. In fact, they reported it had a higher growth rate than the total market for U.S. personal-care products. Marketers in the natural and organic sector are pressing their R&D efforts to develop greener products to satisfy consumer demand with sustainability becoming the prime focus for them. Locally made products or sourced ingredients are also gaining popularity.

Overall, the cosmetics & toiletries market in the U.S. experienced healthy recovery in 2010 after experiencing a slowdown during the previous years. The market grew by 2.8 percent in 2010 crossing US$ 36 Billion over the previous year. Consumers remained the king during 2010, as they preferred multifunctional products with competitive pricing. It’s projected the return in confidence level will boost the future of cosmetics and toiletries sales.

Research and Markets noted manufacturers and distributors of professional skin care are exerting a tremendous amount of time as well as money to lure customers back for expensive skin treatments and product purchases since the economic turnaround, heightened levels of product activity featuring advanced research and development formulas, as well as more extensive promotional support has been noticed.

The U.S. anti-aging skincare industry has also been doing well since 2006. Alongside the naturals and organic segment, anti-aging skin care products have consistently provided strong growth in the United States, even during the past two years when sales were hit by economic hardships and a shrinking consumer spend.

But there’s still room for growth in the United States, according to the report U.S. Cosmetic & Toiletries Market Analysis. As per this study, the total market for cosmetics and toiletries is projected to reach around US$ 42 Billion by the end of 2015. Maximum of the growth will be accounted by the natural beauty products and anti-aging products as consumers are becoming more aware of natural ingredients and their benefits.

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