Oxygen Biotherapeutics ~ Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate

2 weeks ago Comments

NEW YORK—Oxygen Biotherapeutics introduced Dermacyte Oxygen Concentrate, a skin care product that provides high concentrations of oxygen directly to the skin without harsh side effects. The cream is absorbed rapidly without leaving an oily residue on the skin.

Created by a team of scientists who have been working for 15 years on the development of oxygen-based treatments for life-threatening medical conditions, researchers discovered an effective carrier that allows the transfer of large amounts of dissolved natural oxygen without the use of chemical activators like hydrogen peroxide, which is known to dry and bleach skin, or hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

Given that oxygen is vital for the healthy appearance of skin and is known to have a beneficial effect on wound healing, this novel technology inspired the creation of Dermacyte skin care products. Within a short time, users saw the appearance of fine lines started to fade; their complexions were softer and smoother. Dull-looking skin seemed to regain moistness and a healthy glow.

Oxygen Biotherapeutics’ Dermacyte Oxygenating Eye Complex will be launching soon—a treatment to refresh, hydrate and restore the eye contour area. It is designed to enhance the skin’s hydration, elasticity and smoothness while protecting it against environmental stress via a marriage of modern technology and emollients extracted from avocado essence; oat kernel; sunflower oil; high ash, rich in antioxidants; vitamin C; and seeds from the Pacific Northwest Meadowfoam plant among other ingredients. It provides a lightweight solution with its patented technology, an oxygen-carrier developed to infuse oxygen for a fresher appearance and overall improved complexion.



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