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  • Nutrawise Opens Nutraceutical HQ

    Nutrawise opened its new headquarters in Tustin, CA, entering the nutraceutical market with the goal to expand the definition of health and beauty. …More

    July 19, 2011

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  • Speakers, New Agenda Announced for SupplySide East

    Education program details, new exhibit hall hours and exhibitor growth was announced this week by Virgo for the 13th annual SupplySide East event, May 2 to 4 in New Jersey. …More

    February 23, 2011

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  • Consumer Demand for Nutricosmetics

    ingestible beauty

    Evolving from the cosmeceutical and nutraceutical markets, nutricosmetics is the name for a category of natural health products that are specifically formulated for beauty and skin health purposes. …More

    January 10, 2011

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  • Exhibit Hall, Attendance Records Set by SupplySide West 2010

    SupplySide West 2010, held Oct. 19 to 23 at The Venetian & Sands in Las Vegas, drew more than 8,500 cosmeceutical, dietary supplement, food and beverage professionals from 58 countries. …More

    October 27, 2010

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  • Medicine and Skin Care Join Forces

    Consumers are more agreeable to technology mixed in with their skin care as the aging population becomes more youth obsessed and willing to take more drastic measures to reduce the gray. …More

    October 22, 2010

    Posted in News

  • Women’s Dermatologic Society Panel Discussion on Vitamin D, Sun Care and More

    On Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010, three members of the Women’s Dermatology Society (WDS)— dermatologists Diane S. Berson, M.D., Heidi Waldorf, M.D., and Kavita Mariwalla M.D.—participated in a panel discussion at BeautyPress’ Media Day on changes in dermatology, skincare trends, …More

    October 22, 2010

    Posted in Articles

  • Formulating Natural Cosmeceuticals, Nutraceuticals for Skin and Hair Care

    Consumers have accepted nutraceuticals as part of their hair- and skin-care routines, and they will always see topical delivery systems as essential. They are increasingly seeking products with more than one benefit, and they want to see results, according to Shyam Gupta, …More

    October 20, 2010

    Posted in News

  • Herbals for Acne

    Sadly, while some women are battling wrinkles, they also face acne attacks, as this skin problem affects more than the youth. Adults, and teens alike, who are concerned with conventional products, have the option to address this issue with natural products. …More

    October 20, 2010

    Posted in News

  • Resveratrol, Green Tea May Prevent Skin Disorders

    Reseveratrol, found in red wine; and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol found in green tea, may work synergistically to prevent skin disorders associated with aging, according to a recent French study …More

    October 6, 2010

    Posted in News

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