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The Leakey Collection ~ Marula Oil


NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.—The Leakey Collection launched Marula Oil, a topical source of antioxidants. Marula oil comes from kernels inside the marula nut that grows from trees in Africa. The oil gives women optimal skin from the extract derived from the oils inside the fruit.

Marula Oil has the following properties:

  • Omega-rich with moisturizing benefits
  • Fast absorbing, light, non-greasy texture
  • Provides long-lasting hydration
  • Naturally healing to reduce inflammation and redness
  • Noticeable improvement in skin’s elasticity and firmness with consistent use
  • Anti-microbial properties make it appropriate for all skin types

As a topical antioxidant, this free radical fighting capability is great for the following conditions:

  • Dry and mature skin. As a moisturizer it provides superior and longer lasting hydration
  • Sunburned skin. It is very soothing and provides relief.
  • Post-facial peel. Since facials and chemical peels can leave the skin irritated and dry, Marula Oil is excellent to use after such treatments.
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