Botanceo Releases UVA Study on Oleosome-Based Sunscreen

September 29, 2010 Comments

CALGARY, Alberta—Botaneco Specialty Ingredients Inc. announced a UVA testing study has been completed on its oleosome-based sunscreen prototype formulation. Previous evaluation of this prototype formulation at an independent lab demonstrated the ability of the Hydresia® oleosomes to enhance SPF-UVB ratings. In-vivo SPF results—obtained on a 20 person panel per FDA final monograph method—yielded an SPF of 30+ for this formulation containing only 2.5 percent total sunscreen chromophore activity. This level of SPF-UVB protection would typically require more than 15 percent total chromophore in a traditional formulation matrix.

The in-vivo UVA study was performed via the widely-accepted Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) method using the Persistent Pigment Darkening (PPD) response. The study results—obtained on the required 10 person panel—showed the formulation containing 2 percent UVB absorber and 0.5 percent UVA absorber exhibited unexpectedly high UVA protection. A UVA-PF value of 10.7 was achieved with the PPD response compared to the JCIA standard containing more than 8 percent UVA/UVB chromophore that measured 4.3. This places the prototype formulation in the highest category of UVA protection possible for labeling purposes.

Suncare products that are intended to prevent sunburn or the short-term effects of sun exposure tend to focus on UVB, thus high SPF values are desired. However, protecting the skin against UVA light is equally, if not more important, as it is responsible for premature aging. UVA protection in sunscreen-focused products is critical and is becoming increasingly important as sun protection actives are added to various daily wear products such as skin lighteners, exfoliants and moisturizers.

Results of the previous UVB and just-completed UVA testing demonstrate the ability of Hydresia oleosome technology to enhance both the SPF and UVA-PA ratings of sunscreen product formulations.

Jack Guth, vice president R&D, noted, “The multi-functionality and aesthetic benefits of Hydresia oleosome technology allows for its use not only in sunscreen products, but also in a wide range of daily wear products requiring various levels of sun protection."

