LS ~ Dr. LabSerobio

March 16, 2010 Comments

MONHEIM, Germany—Laboratoires Sérobiologiques (LS), the active ingredients business of Cognis Care Chemicals developed its Dr. LabSerobio concept, which includes a range of cosmeceutical products suitable for use in “Dr. Brands”, i.e., solutions endorsed by leading doctors and dermatologists. In line with the positioning of “Dr. Brands,” Dr. LabSerobio products support novel claims in maintaining the health and appearance of the skin, e.g.,  by strengthening the skin’s immune system or by decreasing neurosensitivity. They include anti-aging treatments and solutions to specific problems such as skin redness, dark circles and oily skin.

Dr. LabSerobio features Skinasensyl™, a pure tetrapeptide that targets neurosensitive skin and is able to reduce nerve responses to external stimuli by decreasing the release of CGRP pro-inflammatory neuro-mediators—an action mediated via the activation of the Mu-opioid receptor. Skinasensyl has been proven in clinical tests to increase the skin’s tolerance of environmental factors and known irritants, thereby diminishing sensations of pain and discomfort. It also features specialist peptides such as Dermican™, a synthetic tetrapeptide that increases collagen network functionality by synthesizing lumican, a small proteoglycan directly involved in the synthesis and organization of new collagen fibers; and Syniorage, an active peptide that specifically targets the epidermis of mature skin.



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