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Amino Acids in Skin Care

Ron Cummings

Consider this. You have a great idea for a story you would like to write. You think it through, start to finish. You have a great beginning, a mysterious plot, and a total surprise ending. But when you sit down at the computer, all the letters on the keyboard are missing. No letters means no words; hence, it’s the end of the story before it’s ever written.

In the world of biology and, therefore, the world of the skin, amino acids represent the letters of the alphabet. The twenty six letters of the alphabet can be combined into unlimited words and sentences. Similarly, there are 20 different kinds of amino acids that are the language of life; combinations of these 20 different amino acids account for all life on Earth.

Bringing this to the level of the skin, consider that the DNA of a skin cell is like the brain. It gives instructions for a story to be written. However, just like the missing letters on that keyboard, if the appropriate amino acids are not there, the story can never be written. To wit, try and spell the word collagen without the c, g or n.

This is what happens when the skin becomes depleted of the amino acids that spell out the proteins that need to be made to keep the skin youthful and functioning properly. No amount of skin treatments or products will have any positive effect on the skin unless all the necessary amino acids are available to provide the directions.

A combination of factors—aging, environmental toxins, ultraviolet (UV) exposure—exerts a negative effect on the skin, depleting levels of amino acids. As levels of amino acids fall, the body’ daily maintenance of the skin slows down or halts, and the aging process sets in. To jump start the maintenance again, the skin must be re-nourished with the amino acids it needs to function properly.

First topically nourishing the skin with a full spectrum of individual amino acids allows the skin to function properly. It also provides a foundation to allow other skin treatments and ingredients to exert their own beneficial effects. Cosmeceutical products designed to deliver a range of amino acids will exert a host of benefits to the skin, and work synergistically with other ingredients to deliver maximum results.

Ron Cummings is the founder and owner of AminoGenesis ( The company’s AminoGenesis formula, a combination of full spectrum amino acids, uses a water-based delivery system to allow deep, quick penetration of the actives, resulting in healthy, vibrant skin.

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