It’s the lowest point on Earth. Its geological characteristics are unparallel to any other Earthly landscape. Its name suggests bleak and barren attributes, and its muddy and salty details don’t leave a lot of room for imagination. Bordered by Israel and Jordan, the Dead Sea isn’t really a hot spot for vacationers, or anyone for that matter. But one company has spun mud and salt into gold by creating a profitable line of personal care products by means of extracting the benefits of this “dead” place.
Rumors of Cleopatra and Queen of Sheba bathing in its waters are rife, and its therapeutic benefits have not only been utilized for centuries, but researchers are now diving into its youth-giving waters to find out more. It’s been studied for its role in skin disorders, heart and lung problems, and the benefits of its high-mineral content.
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- Turning Dead Sea mud into money
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