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PHYTO ~ Phytolium®, Phytolium®4

August 11, 2010 Comments

NEW YORK—PHYTO, a botanical hair care company, introduced Phytolium® shampoo and Phytolium®4 treatment, launching September 2010. The energizing shampoo and four-patent treatment is an all-natural alternative to chemical hair loss ingredients such as minoxidil and finasteride.

Scientists at the Phytosolba Laboratories in Bezons, France, found the amount of hair loss decreased, healthy hair grew and the diameter of each hair strand increased in density when testing Phytolium.

According to the company,79 percent noticed a 5 percent reduction in telogen hair, which increased to 21 percent at12 weeks, and to 24 percent at 16 weeks. A total of 79 percent noticed a 27 percent increase in the growth coefficient at 12 weeks, and 39 percent at 16 weeks. Consumers reported 88 percent effectiveness on thinning hair, 69 percent of volunteers' hair felt stronger, and 63 percent of volunteers' hair appeared denser.

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