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Cosmetic Scientists Join Personal Care Truth

August 18, 2010 Comments

SALUDA, S.C.—Personal Care Truth, the comprehensive personal care product Web portal, announced its partnership with two scientists from the cosmetic industry—Amanda Foxon-Hill and Doug Schoon. Foxon-Hill joined the cosmetics industry in 1998 when she was offered a graduate job with chemical distributor Brenntag. She was responsible for formulation development of the cosmetic ingredients range in the United Kingdom and across parts of northern Europe for the chemical manufacturer Octel (now Innospec). A move to Australia led Amanda to join another leading chemical distributor, Bronson and Jacobs as a product manager. In 2007 she set up her own company. Her Realize Beauty blog has developed a solid fan base of people looking for a sisterhood approach to skin and hair care information and her Cosmetic Kitchen workshops have been the highlight of many a kids and adults party.

Schoon is an internationally-recognized scientist, author and educator with more than 30 years experience in the cosmetic, beauty and personal care industry. He is known for his technical and regulatory work that has helped shape the beauty industry. He is co-chair of the Nail Manufacturers Council (NMC), and as creative nail design’s chief scientist, was head of the R&D laboratory, and field testing/evaluation departments for almost 20 years. Schoon has authored several books, video and audio training programs, as well as dozens of magazine articles about salon products, safety and best practices for salon professionals.

“Personal Care Truth is honored Amanda and Doug accepted our invitation to join the family. Not only will consumers learn a great deal from them, I feel industry people will learn a thing or two as well," said Rodgers.

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