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Personal Care Truth Partners Up With Paula Begoun


SALUDA, S.C.—Good news for Personal Care Truth, the comprehensive personal care product Web portal. It announced a partnership with personal care guru Paula Begoun, the creator of Cosmetics Cop and force behind Paula’s Choice skin care products. Through this partnership, consumers will have access to Begoun’s insight and expertise on the personal care industry, including research, product development and consumer advocacy on

Begoun has been reporting on the beauty industry for more than 25 years with a focus on safety and efficacy. She has written more than 18 books on the topic of personal skin care, including “Don’t Go to the Cosmetics Counter without Me” and “The Original Beauty Bible.”  Begoun will respond to consumer questions, react to legislative and regulatory concerns and providing industry vision on issues that matter to consumers.

“Paula’s passion for skin care is evident in her formulations, her books and her industry involvement,” said Kristin Fraser Cotte, co-founder of Personal Care Truth.  “We look forward to sharing her knowledge and information with our readers.”             

“Paula has been a true pioneer in the skin care industry,” said Lisa Rodgers, co-founder of Personal Care Truth. “To have her on our panel of experts is a great benefit to our readers, as she will provide great insight from her years of experience in monitoring the skin care industry. Her expertise will prove invaluable for those looking for the truth about the industry.”

“I am very impressed with the effort the Personal Care Truth team has put forth to provide accurate information on the skin care industry, while also working to combat misinformation,” Begoun said.  “Their commitment to the industry mirrors mine, and I am thrilled to serve on their expert panel.”



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