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Signs of Aging Concern UK Women


LONDON—A recent YouGov survey of 1,152 adults, revealed that women from the United Kingdom were most concerned about the following signs of aging: loss of elasticity or sagging (44 percent), wrinkles (43 percent) and fine lines (28 percent).

“In my experience, American women tend to be more worried about wrinkles, whereas women in the UK are more inclined to accept some fine lines as a part of their aging process,” said Wendy Lewis, celebrity image enhancement coach and author of “Plastic Makes Perfect.”

Additionally, the study commissioned by Olay Regenerist found that an effective anti-aging skin cleansing regime is still a confusing topic for some women; 56 percent of those surveyed follow a three-step cleansing program of cleansing, toning and moisturizing, and 44 percent said that diet and exercise are key elements of an effective anti-aging regime. Anti-aging buzzwords such as retinols, co-enzymes and peptide further confuse beauty shoppers; 43 percent of women surveyed are confused by claims as to which ingredients really work. Thirty-five to 44 year olds were most likely to be skeptical of certain marketing claims; 12 percent said that scientific claims made on packaging had any influence when they purchased an anti-aging product. Instead, well-established, trust brands (57 percent) and price (52 percent) were the most important factors when making a purchase.

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