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Tough Economy Doesn’t Stymie PC Market Growth


Despite the challenging economic climate, the cosmetics and personal care industry is poised for continued growth, according to Investor’s Business Daily. In a report on the potential for the market, analysts and research firms such as IBIS World see a positive growth curve, driven by several key factors. Among these are the emphasis on anti-aging products to help the Boomers preserve or recapture their youthful appearance; promotion of cosmeceutical, nutricosmetic and organic personal care items; and development of niche products making use of nutraceutical compounds such as botanical extracts or food ingredients (i.e., green tea, chocolate).

IBD reported successful companies in its cosmetics and personal care industry group have been working to trim costs and offset rising prices for raw materials, and not carrying as much debt to take advantage of opportunities such as strategic expansion and targeted advertising. Additionally, the market is quite competitive, with consistent activity in the acquisition arena and launches of both new companies and new products. New product innovation is also tied to a willingness to explore innovative technology and delivery systems, whether nanotechnology or chemical formulations.

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