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Ameann DeJohn

Ameann DeJohn is a versatile industry professional with vast, real life business experience and a keen understanding of the skin care business. She is currently an active consultant, author and speaker to the beauty industry, ranging from small start-ups to prominent corporations. Ameann has been featured at national conferences and industry events, held training seminars and has been featured on many major television networks providing commentary, business advice and educational services.

Tween Spending Power - More Than We Thought?

By Ameann DeJohn Comments

If you've been researching tween trends and spending you probably have read their spending power is estimated at between $43 billion and $51 billion. While this is very exciting and an incredibly respectable number, would you believe it's actually more?

What this figure fails to recognize is that ultimately, even if the tween influences the decision, it is the parent who is in control. An additional $170 billion was spent by parents and family members directly for tweens, over and above the reported $51 billion spent by tweens themselves, according to, which focuses on youth marketing.

With spending figures topping $2 billion, there is plenty of room to grow in this market. Keep in mind with parents in control, it's important to please them as well!  Parents are aware of the new target put on tweens and their products and will be more apt to do their research and not fall for the gimmicks a tween might. The bottom line—if you are entering this hot market, please the parent as well as the tween. Authenticity and quality will endure while fads and tricks won't.

Some tips on creating quality and authenticity:

  • Keep education on the forefront
  • Promote good habits
  • Focus on activity and growth for the tween, not simply "fun"
  • Create products that tweens will love and parents will appreciate
  • Don't be too "childish" with your design—his generation of tween is more grown up.
  • Use quality and natural ingredients
  •  Really develop products for tween not just grown up products in tween packaging
  •  Marketing only to tweens could be detrimental to the brand Market to Parents too
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