Laboratory Testing



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  • Modeling Can Improve Your Products’ Look—But Maybe Not the Way You Think

    Today’s cosmetics involve an array of functional additives. These may impact the absorption of actives by skin or extend wear time. How does a company cost effectively optimize these factors to distinguish itself from competitors, expand market share and drive top-line …More

    February 8, 2010

    Posted in



  • SupplySide West 2009 Breaks Previous Exhibit Hall, Attendance Records

    Supplyside west 2009 trade show in Las Vegas broke both exhibit hall and attendance records, bucking the current declining trend for most trade shows. Nearly 8,300 industry executives and 1,128 booths from global dietary supplement, food and beverage, and cosmeceutical …More

    November 17, 2009

    Posted in


  • Formulation and Product Testing Tips for Developing a Cosmeceutical Product

    Knowing the desired marketing claims, seeking ingredients with scientific substantiation and testing prototypes for safety and efficacy are among the critical steps in the process. …More

    September 22, 2009

    Posted in



  • Global Efforts to Promote Alternatives to Animal Testing

    BRUSSELS, Belgium—Global efforts to promote alternatives to testing on animals received a significant boost through the signing of a cooperation agreement by international bodies, including the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), tasked with the validation of …More

    April 30, 2009

    Posted in


  • SkinEthic Offers Option to Draize Test

    NICE, France—The Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) test from SkinEthic was validated as a full replacement for the Draize test for skin irritation by the ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee. The RHE protocol provides good specificity, sensitivity and accuracy, …More

    December 23, 2008

    Posted in


  • Vegan Beauty

    Consumers’ overwhelming interest in green products is leading to a surge of natural beauty product introductions. Additionally, natural, cruelty-free and/or vegan products are crossing over into mass market channels.There is reason for women to seek out more natural …More

    December 22, 2008 by by Kirsten Corcoran

    Posted in



  • Nutricosmetics, Cosmeceuticals on a ‘Fast’ Track

    Could nutricosmetics transform the beauty industry inside out? Fast Company took a look at “beauty ingestibles,” checking in with companies on the leading edge of the cosmeceutical trend for their take on the market.On the more conservative edge were Allen …More

    December 5, 2008

    Posted in



  • REACH Pre-Reg Ends, Companies Respond

    The initial deadline for the REACH preregistration has ended, and companies responded with more than 1.75 million filings, as of Nov. 26. Annelie Struessmann, Ph.D., reported on Cosmetics & Toiletries that the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) did offer assistance with …More

    December 4, 2008

    Posted in


  • Symrise, Cutech Win HBA Technology Award

    NEW YORK—Symrise and Cutech Srl received the Best New Technology Award during the HBA Industry Awards, held in September during the HBA Global Expo, for the companies’ PSOCM (pig skin organ culture model), a full-thickness skin model representing the natural …More

    October 14, 2008

    Posted in


  • Probiotics Ineffective in Children’s Eczema

    MELBOURNE, Australia—Oral ingestion of probiotics does not help relieve symptoms of eczema in children, according to a new Cochrane Library review (ePub 8 Oct 2008) (DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006135.pub2). A research team coordinated out of the Royal Children’s …More

    October 8, 2008

    Posted in


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