How Many Chemicals Are in Your Beauty Products?

12/1/2009 12:15:00 PM

LONDON— recently reported on a new study that found the average British woman "hosts" 515 chemicals on her body every day. Bionsen polled 2,016 women, concluding the majority of pollutants are due to women’s daily use of deodorant, moisturizer and lipstick. More than a third of women who participated were not aware of the main ingredients in their personal care products and more than 70 percent said they didn’t care about the numerous amounts of chemicals in their skin care products.  






Doug Schoon 12/09/2009 09:53

This is a silly question! All cosmetics are 100% chemical, so are all foods and just about everything else. In fact, everything you can see or touch, execpt light and electricity, is a chemical. These "studies" are mostly designed to frighten the public with misinformation. Both Health Canada and the US FDA say cosmetics are the safest category of products they regulate. Cosmetics are much safer than bicycles. This nonsense is being propagated by fear based marketers and advocacy groups who aren't interested in facts. They use fear to fool people.


fred burmeister 12/09/2009 09:39

Here we go again! Did you consider the source of the "research"? Bionsen is a marketer of "chemical-free" deodorant products, and you should have mentioned that fact. The article is biased against the chemical industry and by association, the "main stream" cosmetic industry that has been using "chemicals," both of synthetic and natural derivation since the advent of modern cosmetics.

You should be ashamed for passing on such unnoteworthy and biased information.

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