Multi-Sensory Branding with Fragrance
09/29/2009 –
Scents have become a very powerful strategy in order to offer a positive experience for consumers and properties, and multi-sensory branding is being incorporated into many different brands.
Smart Innovation Reaches for Relevance
09/03/2009 –
Effective new product development requires a collaborative, inter-disciplinary approach to ensure market success.
Organic Genie in a Bottle
08/31/2009 –
Many companies have created their own definitions of the terms natural and organic. It’s creating confusion in the marketplace and the fragrance industry is not exempt from this confusion.
From Botox to Photoshop
08/25/2009 –
Diagonal Reports, argues in its latest research report a new beauty culture is emerging. It is shaped by a combination of factors such as significant technological innovations and contemporary consumer lifestyles.
Formulating Fragrances Free From Harm
06/09/2009 – Since the end of World War II, the output of chemical molecules into the environment has risen drastically. Today, these toxins find their way into our bodies every day, especially through personal care products, most of which list “fragrance” as an ingredient but do not elaborate on what that means. Companies are not required by law to list ingredients contained in fragrances, which can…
Lipstick Wars
06/01/2009 –
The lipstick-lead wars wage on as activist groups shake their fingers and plea with FDA to release the information they’ve gathered on the amount of lead in lipstick. Companies like L’Oreal and Dior are coming up dirty, according to an unpublished independent analysis; and consumers, doctors and coalitions, such as the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, are concerned and asking FDA to set a safety standard…
IFF’s Nature-Derived Fragrances
05/15/2009 – Imagine a botanical garden filled with herbs, fruit trees and flowers. Now imagine those fragrances in a perfume, lotion or cream. That’s how it’s done over at IFF. They use an environmentally sustainable method to create synthetic fragrances from its garden. IFF’s Headspace Technology can capture the fragrance of the living plant, analyze its components and recreate it in the laboratory…
HBA Global Expo 2009, Spa & Resort/Medical Aesthetics Expo
04/21/2009 –
NEW YORK—The entire product development life cycle will be on full display September 2009 in New York, when HBA Global Expo and the Spa & Resort/Medical Aesthetics Expo offers beauty, skin care and spa professionals cross registration opportunities. HBA Global Expo will take place Sept. 15 to 17, and the Spa & Resort Expo will be September 15 to 16, both at the Jacob K. Javits Convention…
Exotic Yuzu Inspiring Beauty Brands
02/24/2009 – While the food and beverage industries have tapped into the exotic draw of yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit, personal care marketers are increasingly incorporating yuzu into fragrance, bath, skin care and makeup products, according to Mintel’s Nica Lewis. In an article for Cosmetics & Toiletries, Lewis reviews the range of new products incorporating yuzu, with skin care and makeup posting 100…
Cosmeceutical Bath & Body Products
02/12/2009 – In an article on SpecialChem4Cosmetics, beauty expert Nancy Jeffries looked at some of the newest cosmeceutical offerings in the bath and body market. For example, Origins™ The Way of the Bath™ Collection product concept taps into the Japanese tea ceremony and incorporates ingredients such as Matcha green tea and Japanese sea salts; the company also launched the Night Health™ line—products…