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Obagi® ~ Blue Peel RADIANCE, Nu-Derm Sun Shield SPF 50


LONG BEACH, Calif.—Obagi® released two skin care products. A recent addition to the Blue Peel® line, Obagi Blue Peel RADIANCE is an easy-to-use peel that is designed for all skin types. Based with salicylic acid, Blue Peel RADIANCE utilizes a blend of acids and other soothing ingredients for a combination that exfoliates, evens out skin tone and improves overall complexion. It is a professional product for in-office procedures only and will be sold exclusively to professionals.

Nu-Derm Sun Shield SPF 50 combines UVB absorption and UVA blockage for high sunscreen protection in a matte finish. The product’s active ingredients are zinc oxide (10.5 percent) and octinoxate (7.5 percent).

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