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ISP Technology ~ Caspaline 14™


SAFIA ANTIPOLIS, France—ISP Technology launched Caspaline 14™, a cysteine protease associated with lessening UV damage. It was designed to help the skin’s natural barrier function protect against UV rays. Caspaline 14 is a synthetic peptide designed to target and boost the expression of caspase-14, a cysteine protease linked to skin softness and suppleness.

Unlike a topically applied sunscreen, Caspaline 14 does not rely on an active UV blocker for protective properties. Instead, it focuses on the skin’s natural ability to minimize damage from UV exposure. By boosting caspase-14, which has been linked with cornifying epithelial tissue, such as the skin, and influencing terminal keratinocyte differentiation and formation of the skin’s barrier function, Caspaline 14 may help limit skin damage from UV. Caspaline 14 also helps boost the expression of filaggrin, the precursor of natural moisturizing factor (NMF), an important component of supple, moisturized skin.

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