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CSR, Green Issues on Shiseido Radar


TOKYO—Beauty is more than skin deep, an ideal reflected in two recent moves by Shiseido. First, the company became the first from the cosmetics industry to be certified by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment as an “Eco-First Company.” Shiseido committed to several environmental protection initiatives, including pursuing programs to prevent global warning and to encourage greater recycling.

The company is also expanding its corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, with plans to open three Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center locations in Shanghai, Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Designed to provide free cosmetics and beauty care advice to consumers with serious skin conditions, such as vitiligo and scarring, the move expands the Life Quality Beauty Program out of the original location at Shiseido’s Tokyo headquarters, which has served more than 1,200 customers since opening in mid-2006.

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