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Freshen Up with Mouthwash Sales


United Kingdom—According to Mintel’s Oxygen Reports, U.K. shoppers are caring more about oral hygiene, as sales of oral hygiene products grew 14 percent over the past five years—£833 million in 2010—and sales of mouth wash have increased 44 percent in the last five years alone, making mouthwash the fastest growing sector in the oral hygiene market.

Back in 2006, 45 percent of Brits reported using mouthwash; today, this has risen to more than half the nation (55 percent) with sales increasing from £110 million in 2005 to £158 million in 2010. The bulk of these sales (84 percent) are made up of non-medicated washes (£132 million) while the remainder is made up of the medicated variety (£26 million).

Valued at £833 million in 2010, total sales of oral hygiene have grown by as much as 14 percent over the past five years from £729 million in 2005. Toothpaste accounts for the largest segment of the market (£353 million) –followed by mouthwash (£158 million).

Vivienne Rudd, senior European beauty analyst at Mintel, said: “The market for mouthwash benefits from being easy and quick-to-use with instant results. Often, mouthwash is the first step adults take when extending their oral hygiene routine beyond basic cleaning with a toothbrush and toothpaste. By and large, adults look to mouthwashes to kill germs and bacteria, and eliminate or reduce bad breath. Manufacturers, however, are looking to make mouthwashes a more essential part of the oral hygiene routine by developing sophisticated formulae with benefits, including whitening and tartar control."

According to Mintel's research, worries about yellowing or stained teeth prey on the minds of four in 10 (40 percent) adults, making cosmetic issues the most prevalent oral-health concern. Meanwhile, less than a third of Brits worry about cavities. The nation's top five teeth concerns are

  1. Yellow stained teeth (40 percent)
  2. Sensitive teeth (38 percent)
  3. Plaque buildup (34 percent)
  4. Cavities and caries (30 percent)
  5. Gum problems (30 percent)
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