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Fragrance Foundation Launches Online Consumer Voting Campaign


NEW YORK—Each year The Fragrance Foundation presents The FiFi® Awards, considered the “Oscars" of the fragrance community, where the talents of the fragrance industry are awarded a FiFi® Award, in 27 different categories, to honor and recognize their scents. This year, The Fragrance Foundation created the “2011 Consumers’ Choice FiFi® Awards" that rely 100 percent on consumer participation. T

The Foundation invites consumers to get in on the voting excitement and crown, via the online voting link, their most favorite fragrance for men and women. This consumer vote determines the winning “eau" that will be presented with a crystal FiFi® statuette at the party on May 25tin New York.

The FiFi® online consumer vote begins midnight Monday, April 25 through midnight Thursday, May 12.

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