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Power Boosters™ ~ Skin Cream Additives


PLANTATION, Fla.—Power Boosters™ introduced skin care additives that blend into creams and foundations. Power Boosters are a series of pre-measured syringes containing safe, active ingredients, each with specific targeted results. Advanced SMART Core™ technology allows the boosters to blend with a variety of skin creams or foundation. Consumers can personalize their favorite moisturizer, eye cream, night cream and foundation to boost the results to meet their individual needs. All of the Boosters are free of parabens, fragrances, colorants and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).

The available Power Boosters include:

  • InstaERASE™ Power Booster: Delivers micro-collagen to the lower layers of the skin to create firmer looking skin. Advanced light refracting technology fills in lines and diffuses light for firm skin.
  • Hydration Booster™: An 85-percent pure hyaluronic acid complex provides skin with moisture and creates an invisible veil that hydrates skin all day and all night. It is enhanced with silk protein, sea kelp, aloe vera and other skin nutrients to moisturize skin.
  • Stem Cell DNA Booster™: Features botanically derived stem cell technology, designed to maintain and protect the normal function of stem cells found deep within the lower layers of the skin, targeting the signs of aging. It encourages cell restructuring, elasticity and improves natural moisture.
  • Light & Bright Booster™: Provides skin with physician strength ArbutiFADE™, an all-natural technology that exfoliates damaged cells fast and infuses new cells with skin brightening ingredients. Add to a moisturizer or foundation to help fade unwanted discoloration and even out skin tone. Hydroquinone-free.
  • Resveratrol Peptide Booster™: Creates a powerful antioxidant solution that helps fight free radicals caused by environmental aggressors.        
  • Blemish Solution Booster™: Combines willow bark, salicylic acid, camphor and witch hazel to unclog pores and provide astringent properties to balance out oil, problematic skin.
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