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Organix-South® ~ Cinnamon Neem Mouthwash


BOWLING GREEN, Fla.—Organix-South® launched a cinnamon flavored neem-based mouthwash: TheraNeem Cinnamon Therape Mouthwash. It is an alcohol-free mouthwash that contains organic, concentrated supercritical extracts of the neem leaf and bark for added strength and efficacy. Known for its astringent actions, the leaf and bark on the neem tree also provide antioxidants for healthy teeth and gums.

TheraNeem Cinnamon Therape Mouthwash contains a blend of cinnamon, clove, cardamom and star anise, making this mint-free formula ideal for those utilizing homeopathy, which makes it safe for use with the HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) diet. Suitable for vegetarians, diabetics and children, the product is cruelty-free and contains no fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, gluten, artificial colors or flavors. It is available in a 16 fl.-oz. bottle and a 2 fl.-oz. travel size.

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