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Sex Hormones and the Conquest of Beauty

by Somlynn Rorie

Beauty can be achieved with a little help from cosmetic innovations that moisturize the skin and combat signs of aging. Hydrated and moist skin is quintessential in warding off wrinkles and maintaining beauty. Prof. Dr. Johann W. Wiechers proposes a fascinating hypothesis on why we age in the Cosmetic and Toiletries article “It’s All About Sex: Hormones and Skin Moisture.” According to Wiechers, sex hormones affect skin moisturization on a larger scale, determining just when aging will begin for men and women.

He noted the best skin moisturizer appears to be pregnancy. He and his colleagues studied seven pregnant women and found they have the best moisturized skin that their lab ever measured. On the flip side, the sharp decline of estrogen levels during menopause also affected skin moisturization levels.

A connection between estrogen levels and the amount of water in skin were also present in non-smoking men with good skin, suggesting that a male’s “femininity” determined his skin hydration levels which subsequently determined how well his skin looks.  


For more on the relationship between sex hormones and skin moisture, read Wiecher’s article here.

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