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Do Sunless Tanning Creams Help Prevent Cancer?

2 weeks ago Comments

Researchers in Atlanta and Worcester, Mass. conducted two separate studies on sunless tanning usage and its ability to prevent skin cancer. Interestingly, one study found use of sunless tanning products was independently associated with indoor tanning and a higher frequency of sunburn but not with use of sunscreen. The second study found an intervention that promoted sunless tanning as an alternative to UV tanning had a short-term effect on sunbathing, sunburns and use of protective clothing, and a longer-term effect on sunbathing and sunless tanning.

In Atlanta, a telephone-based, random-digit-dialed, cross-sectional survey was conducted from July 1 to Oct. 30, 2004 (Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(9):987-992). The participants nationally represented a population-based sample of 1,600 adolescents aged 11 to 18 years and their caregivers. The prevalence of self-reported use of sunless tanning products in the past year among U.S. adolescents was 10.8 percent. Adolescent users of these products were more likely to be older and female, to perceive a tanned appearance as desirable, to have a parent or caregiver who used sunless tanning products, and to hold positive beliefs or attitudes about these products. Use of sunless tanning products was associated with risky UV radiation exposure-related behaviors. Adolescents, therefore, must be educated about these products and the importance of avoiding indoor tanning and practicing sun-protective behaviors.

In Worcester, a randomized controlled trial, conducted in Massachusetts public beaches, recruited 250 women to participate in an intervention study during their visit to a public beach (Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(9):979-984). The intervention included motivational messages to use sunless tanning as an alternative to UV tanning, instructions for proper use of sunless tanning products, attractive images of women with sunless tans, a free trial of a sunless tanning product, skin cancer education and UV imaging. At two months, intervention participants reduced their sunbathing significantly more than the controls did and reported significantly fewer sunburns and greater use of protective clothing. At one year, intervention participants reported significant decreases in sunbathing and increases in sunless tanning relative to control participants, but no differences in the other outcomes.

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