IJEC, WDCS Signing Jojoba Substitute Agreement for Cosmetics


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—The International Jojoba Export Council (IJEC) is set to sign a historic agreement with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) at in-cosmetics Barcelona. Jojoba, which is well-known as an attractive substitute for whale-sourced spermaceti, offers a green and renewable alternative, based primarily on the similar chemical structure both materials share.

Jojoba holds a unique position as the only known botanical source of liquid wax esters. Furthermore, jojoba plants are presently cultivated in a few arid regions of the world and require little irrigation, are perennial, and maintain a long and fruitful life span. The agreement between the two organizations outlines their mutual commitment to support efforts to prevent manufacturers from using spermaceti in cosmetic and personal care products. In addition, both organizations have committed to work together to further reduce import duties that may exist or develop in the global trade of jojoba-based products. This is especially important given that jojoba is successfully cultivated in only a handful of countries and unnecessary barriers could deprive markets or otherwise place jojoba out of reach as an economically viable alternative to spermaceti.
