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The Body Shop ~ Tea Tree Oil Collection


WAKE FOREST, N.C.—The Body Shop offers a collection 19 tea tree oil enriched skin and personal care products. Known for its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil helps diminish breaks-outs and prevent new blemishes from starting. From skin care to cosmetics to personal care products, The Tea Tree Oil Collection is ideal for oily and acne-prone skin types.

For daily maintenance of oily skin, The Body Shop offers the following skin care products: Tea Tree Exfoliating Pads, Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash, Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser, Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash, Tea Tree Oil, Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion, Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion, Tea Tree Blemish Gel, Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner, Tea Tree Face Mask, Tea Tree Cleansing Wipes and Tea Tree Oil Facial Blotting Tissues. For body care, The Body Shop offers Tea Tree Body Wash as well as a cosmetic, Tea Tree Concealer.

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