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FLORHAM PARK, N.J.—The New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists (NYSCC) honored two BASF scientists at the Annual Scientific Meeting and Technology Showcase held at the New York Hilton. The event is a technical forum for the exchange of new developments and ideas in cosmetic research technology that attracts more than 400 cosmetic scientists.

The Allan B. Black Award was presented to Steven A. Jones, staff scientist, BASF Corp., for his scientific paper "Basic Optics of Effect Materials" published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science (2010;61(2)). The paper covered the nature of light, interference of waves, thin-film interference, color from interference and color travel. The Allan B. Black Award is given annually for the Best Paper on makeup technology either presented at a national meeting or seminar or published in the Journal.

The Shaw Mudge Award for the best paper presented at the annual seminar was awarded to Manual Gamez-Garcia, staff scientist, BASF Corp. for his paper titled, "Hair Setting with Hot Irons and Heat Activation." Gamez-Garcia's paper provided an analysis of the various factors involved in the process of hair setting with hot irons, including the effects of temperature, water, solvents and other ingredients on hair setting.

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