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Mibelle Biochemistry Celebrates 20 Years


BUCHS, Switzerland—Established in 1991 as a profit center for Mibelle Cosmetics, Mibelle Biochemistry is celebrating its 20th years a Swiss-based company that specializes in the research & development of naturally derived active ingredients for the cosmetic industry. Dr. Fred Zülli, two lab technicians and Franz Suter, production manager, developed the company's first active CM-Glucan, which was launched in 1994. And in 2008, the company developed PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica, its first active based on plant stem cells. In 2011, the company features a broad line of actives that are available in more than 50 countries.

Zülli said in the next 20 years, the company's mission "will be to continue to design innovative actives for the cosmetic industry, which together encompass both outstanding performances with substantiated claims and novel applications that are accompanied by inspiring marketing stories. With our strategic, forward thinking culture of innovation, we are confident that we will continue to meet the market needs of both today and the future."

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