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Does the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' Report Lack Substance?


The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CSC) released its report—Market Shift: The story of the Compact for Safe Cosmetics and the growth in demand for safe cosmetics—describing the seven-year collaboration between the Campaign's nonprofit organizations and personal care companies that voluntarily pledged to a avoid chemicals banned in other countries, harmful ingredients whenever possible, and fully disclose product ingredients.

The report highlights more than 400 personal care companies, separating them into two categories—Champions (321), companies that met the goals of the Compact; and Innovators (111), companies that made significant progress toward those goals.

However, according to an interview conducted by, the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) said the report "is based on numerous false assumptions."

Kathleen Dezio, spokeswoman for the PCPC said, the national trade association applauds the Campaign for its efforts to promote safety, "there is little if any substance to the report issues by CSC," as reported by Dezio said report implies European cosmetics are safer and American consumers' health and safety are at risk from personal care products. PCPC noted the cosmetics industry has the best safety track record out of all FDA-regulated industries, and the majority of ingredients on the CSC’s list have never been used in U.S. cosmetics.

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