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Botaneco's Oleosome-Based Sunscreens Meet FDA Requirements


QUEBEC CITY—Several of Botaneco Corp.'s natural and traditional Hydresia® oleosome sunscreen prototypes have successfully completed the necessary testing required to meet the new FDA requirements for sunscreen labeling that go into effect in 2012. The testing included a successful critical wavelength study that will allow sunscreen marketers utilizing Botaneco's Hydresia oleosomes to be labeled "Broad Spectrum" indicating protection against UVA and UVB rays. Current labeling requirements on sunscreens deal almost exclusively with protection against sunburn, which is primarily caused by UVB radiation from the sun, and do not address UVA radiation, which contributes to skin cancer and early skin aging.

Sunscreens that have not successfully completed the FDA-required critical wavelength study cannot claim the "Broad Spectrum" label.  This will require marketers to place a warning label indicating the product does not help to prevent skin cancer or early skin aging.

"Marketers who wish to have a natural sunscreen with a Broad Spectrum label claiming to reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging can implement Hydresia into their formulations," said Jack Guth, VP research & development at Botaneco. "We have been working with a number of companies on Hydresia-based Broad Spectrum sunscreens and expect to have the first product launched early in 2012."

Guth added, "Hydresia also allows for less active ingredient to be used in sunscreens, placing a formulation in the highest category of UVA protection possible for labeling purposes. These results are an important step in the Hydresia oleosome technology achieving worldwide acceptance in SPF sunscreen enhancement."

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