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Oat Cosmetics, ProTech Ingredia Form Partnership


HAMPSHIRE, England—Oat Cosmetics formed a new partnership with Middlesex-based ProTec Ingredia Ltd., opening its specialist ingredients to a wider market. ProTec Ingredia is a leading supplier of high-quality ingredients to the United Kingdom and European personal care industry, working only with manufacturing partners to provide innovative and market-leading ingredients to its customers.

Oat Cosmetics will provide ProTec with a range of highly advanced, Ecocert NATURAL skin and hair care ingredients, as managing director Cark Maunsell explained: “Our partnership with ProTec Ingredia is a great step forward for Oat Cosmetics as we build and refine our range of specialist ingredients for the cosmetics industry and, at the same time, it gives us the opportunity to make further inroads into the cosmetics and personal care markets."

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