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LUSH ~ Holiday Products


VANCOUVER, British Columbia—LUSH introduced 58 holiday items and gift sets, all available either on the company's web site or in the brick and mortar stores. A handful of the items include:

  • Snow Fairy Shower Gel: This sparkly, pink shower gel features a sweet fruity fragrance. In addition, it's formulated using only vegan ingredients.
  • Golden Wonder: This fizzing multi-layer bath bomb features layers of sweet orange, lime and cognac oils. It also contains a secret inside.
  • Celebrate: This lip butter comes in a soft pale pink and tastes like cognac, citrus and lemon sugar.
  • Home For Christmas: This keepsake box is filled with comforting vanilla- and honey-infused products. They are wrapped in a hatbox emblazoned with snowy scenes. It contains: Three Gold Rings bubble bar, Gingerbread House bubble bar, Christmas Eve bubble bar, Honey I Washed the Kids soap, It’s Raining Men shower gel, Lil’ LUSH Pud bath bomb and Dream Cream.
  • Bathtime Favorites: Consumers will find eight golden personal care products in this gift set. It contains Three Gold Rings, Cinders, Dragon’s Egg bath bomb, Golden Wonder, Snowcake soap, Sunny Side bubble bar, Superstars and Ultimate Shine shampoo bar.
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