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Croda Releases Whitepaper: ‘Biotechnology and its Role in Sustainable Design’


EDISON, N.J.—Croda released a whitepaper on “Biotechnology and its Role in Sustainable Design" to give an overview of this field and Croda’s strategy to incorporate it into its core technologies.

The specialty chemicals industry is adapting from using depleting resources and environmentally compromising processes to the use of sustainable raw materials and greener, cleaner manufacturing methods. Many experts believe sustainable design, the design of a product, service or business model to reduce the overall environmental impact, while maintaining or improving economic, technical and social performance, to be a critical feature for future success in many industries, including specialty chemicals. As green chemistry specialists with a heritage in naturally derived products,

It is Croda’s belief that biotechnology has a major role to play in sustainable design; the economic, environmental and social benefits are inherent in its application for sustainable chemicals manufacturing. Driven by this view, in recent years Croda have dramatically expanded their investments in biotechnology research, development and manufacturing capability. In the whitepaper, Surinder Chahal, VP of R&D for Croda’s Sun Care & Biotechnology division, explains how biotechnology is seen as a pivotal technology for the advancement and transformation of the chemical industry in the years to come.

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