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Croda Launches Hair Damage Guide


EDISON, N.J.—Croda launched an interactive, electronic Hair Damage Guide that explores the many types of hair damage, explains how each occurs and demonstrates how these types of damage can be duplicated in a laboratory setting.  Hair sustains damage in many ways and from various sources, often on a daily basis. The effects of damaged hair can include frizz, breakage, dullness and hair that is difficult to comb and style. Everyone experiences damage to his or her hair, to some extent, and the causes of hair damage can be categorized as: mechanical, chemical, environmental, thermal and aging.  Each of these results in different types of damage to the hair fibers and these bulges, craters and more, each contribute to what the consumer perceives as undesirable, unmanageable hair. While hair damage cannot be entirely avoided, steps can be taken to prevent, and even correct, damage on the hair.

The Hair Damage Guide describes proven solutions for preventing and reversing hair damage in terms of science and consumer perception to allow formulators of hair care products to better, and more fully, understand hair damage. The Guide is fully integrated into Croda’s website, giving customers unlimited access to product information, formulas designed to assist them with their projects, and easy access to samples of products proven to prevent or correct hair damage. 

To better assist formulators with understanding hair damage, Croda also hosted a live web seminar, “Hair Damage: What You Need to Know," on Sept. 7, 2011. This presentation further explained many of the topics in the Hair Damage Guide and even included a tutorial on how to access this tool on Croda’s website

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