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Biologique Recherche ~ Body Care Products for Sun-Exposed Skin


NEW YORK—Biologique Recherche launched two body care products for sun damaged skin: Crème Anti-C and Sérum Matriciel. Ideal for yearly use, Crème Anti-C provides simultaneous action on different fronts to help repair damage caused by cellulite, especially the apparent changes in the skin’s texture. The formula is especially useful after sun exposure, as it helps repair skin slackening caused by sun damage. The exfoliating action of the crème reduces the reactional thickening of the stratum corneum and helps optimize proper keratinocyte functions, ensuring good epidermal quality. Meanwhile, the cream’s action in the dermis promotes the structural reorganization of the dermal matrix due to subtle mechanisms of dermo-epidermal exchanges. Simultaneously, eliminated compression of blood and lymph vessels reduces cellulite-related swelling. Finally, the hypodermal action encourages the breakdown of excess lipids and reduced adipocyte volume. The product's creamy texture is ideal for the palpate-and-roll massage technique.

Key active ingredients include:

  • Lipolytic active ingredients: Complex consisting of caffeine, carnitine and TEA-Iodide, jujube extract and a complex made with essential oils of everlasting, cedar, anise and mint.
  • Repairing and firming agents: Black crowberry juice.
  • Stimulating micro-circulation ingredients: Ivy, horsetail, nettle and silver birch bark extracts.

Crème Anti-C is available in a 6.8-oz tube or a 6.8-oz tube with a glove.

To address skin issues lacking tonicity, Sérum Matriciel was formulated for tissue slackening. The serum is available in a spray, which facilitates its application and the bio-availability of its active ingredients. The active ingredients specific to the dermo-epidermal junction work to further facilitate circulation by reinforcing the epidermal rooting in the dermis. On the dermal layer, the short peptides with biomimetic actions of this formulation promote improved organization and solidity within the dermal framework. Sérum Matriciel helps repair sun damage’s slackening effects on the skin.

Key active ingredients include:

  • Firming active ingredients: Complex made with elder tree, chestnut tree flower and tropical almond leaf extracts, biomimetic peptide derived from the hepatocyte growth factor and glycoproteins derived from Antarctic micro-organisms.
  • Protective active ingredients: Black crowberry juice, rye, horsetail and nettle extracts.
  • Active ingredient strengthening the dermo-epidermal junction: Tetra peptide.
  • Plumping and moisturizing active ingredients: Siberian ginseng root, baobab pulp and silk extracts, reconstituted natural moisturizing factor (NMF), hyaluronic acid and royal jelly.

Sérum Matriciel is available in 3.4 fl-oz. and 8.5 fl-oz. spray bottles.

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