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Essential Source Inc. ~ Bonita Inside & Out Beauty Supplement, Lotion Duo

January 5, 2011 Comments

PHOENIX—Essential Source Inc. launched a beauty supplement and lotion combination for hair, skin and nails called Bonita Inside & Out. Bonita Inside & Out is designed for those with hair breakage, split ends, slow hair growth, prematurely thinning hair or hair loss, premature wrinkles, dry skin or acne, and brittle or slow growing nails.

Bonita Insider & Out was developed to attack collagen deficiency internally and externally at the same time. Bonita liquid soft gels are a dietary supplement that addresses vitamin deficiencies consumers may have that lead to unhealthy hair, skin and nails, as well as low collagen counts. Also included is a month supply of RePear Anti-Aging Lotion, which has three proprietary blends of natural and organic ingredients formulated to re-build collagen, tone and tighten wrinkles while protecting, moisturizing and healing the skin.

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