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derma e® Natural Body Care ~ AHA Alpha Hydroxy Acid Beauty Fluid

January 5, 2011 Comments

derma e® Natural Body Care

SIMI VALLEY, Calif.—derma e® Natural Body Care released AHA Alpha Hydroxy Acid Beauty Fluid. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) is a natural exfoliant shown to help improve skin tone and texture. To create AHA Alpha Hydroxy Acid Beauty Fluid, the company used AHAs, including glycolic acid and lemon fruit extract, combined with green tea, jojoba and passion fruit extract. This non-abrasive, fragrance-free formula contains 5-percent AHA at a pH of three for a safe and effective exfoliation that helps to remove dry, dull, aging cells while encouraging healthy skin tone and texture, fade age spots and diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

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