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Cheers to Beauty Drink Growth


Zenith International reported the global market for beauty drink may be a boutique operation, but it’s growing. The food and drink consultancy reported a 2.9-percent increase from 2009 to 2010 in ready-to-drink beauty drinks global sales, topping out at an estimated 144 million litres. These numbers are a 29-percent increase compared to 2006.

The global recession did stunt beauty-from-within growth in terms of research and development, as well consumer purchasing. Regardless, Zenith sees a bright future for beauty drinks, estimating it to reach 185 million litres by 2014.

As expected, Asia is leader in the nutricosmetic market in both innovation and consumption, with Japan leading the way. Zenith names a few of the popular nutricosmetic ingredients as collagen, hyaluronic acid and ceramide, but more recently, manufacturers have been experimenting with ingredients such as porcine placenta and superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Zenith senior market analyst Charmaine Holmes said, “Beauty drinks were originally aimed at more mature women looking for anti-ageing products. Today, with broadening social pressure to look good, anti-ageing regimes are starting at an earlier age. This has led to the introduction of brands targeting younger women, including some specifically for acne reduction in teenagers and for early skin care and protection among young adults. For more mature skins, we’ve come across anti-wrinkle, skin firming and plumping products."

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