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Biologique Recherche ~ Body Care Products

2 days ago Comments

NEW YORK—Biologique Recherche launched a collection of 15 body care products. The products range from exfoliators and oils, to firming creams. They are designed with pure, concentrated and raw ingredients.

“As we age the cells become less cohesive and the natural exfoliation process and cellular regeneration slow down. The epidermal cells lose their initial quality and the barrier effect gradually depletes," said Philippe Allouche, creator of Biologique Recherche formulations. “Keeping these very unique and specialized needs in mind, Biologique Recherche has created a comprehensive range of body care products formulated to target specific concerns such as dehydration, loss of tone and cellulite."

Biologique Recherche’s range of body care products include: Gommage P50 Corps, Body Oxygénant, Complexe Anti-A, Complexe Anti-C, Huile Bénéfique, Huile Dermotonique, Huile Détente, Huiles Essentielles Pures, Huile Jambes Lourdes, Huile Sous-Ombilicale, Crème Amincissante Oxygénante MC 110, Crème Défatigante, Crème MSR-H Corps, Crème Réparatrice and Emulsion Originelle Régénérante Corps.

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