Dermaval™ May Modulate Elastase

May 18, 2010 Comments

MOMENCE, Ill.—FutureCeuticals Inc. announced Dermaval™, an all-natural, beauty-from-within blend of individual fruit- and vegetable-powders, may modulate elastase in human subjects. Elastase is an enzyme associated with the deterioration of elastin, a protein that is a vital part of elastic fibers in the skin. Initial study results show Dermaval inhibits elastase by up to 10 percent in human subjects within two hours after ingestion. The research was conducted using FutureCeuticals' proprietary TargeTest™ biotesting platform.

Elastase can also break down other collagenous fibers, keratins and proteoglycans, important components of the skin matrix. Studies also suggest elastase plays a role in the development of inflammation. Therefore, inhibition of elastase activity could be an excellent method for protection against skin aging.





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