AAK ~ Shea Butter Derivatives

March 17, 2010 Comments

KARLSHAMN, Sweden—AAK expanded its shea butter-based cosmetic ingredient range with the addition of Lipex® Shea WM and Lipex® Shea Tris. Lipex Shea WM is an improved shea butter ester suitable for skin care applications as well as for color cosmetics. With a high content of shea butter unsaponifiables, a medium viscosity and relatively low spreading ability, this ester is a suitable companion to other emollients in facial care, color cosmetics and high-end body care formulations. Lipex Shea Tris complements the range of lipid-based actives for cosmetics. It has increased levels of anti-inflammatory shea butter triterpene esters of more than 50 percednt, making it possible to reduce the use level in the formulation. It’s suitable to include in products for facial care, anti-wrinkle formulations and also for very light formulations where the shea butter functionality is desired.



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