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Study: Capryloyl Salicylic Acid vs. Glycolic Acid


CLARK, NJ—A recent study from L'Oréal Research and published in Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology compared the efficacy of glycolic acid (GA) to that of capryloyl salicylic acid (LHA).

50 female volunteers between the ages of 35 and 60 years, with mild to moderate facial hyperpigmentation and fine lines/wrinkles, were randomized and LHA or GA peel was applied to one side of the face. Increasing peel concentrations were applied for 12 weeks at biweekly intervals.

Of the 44 volunteers, 41 percent of LHA-treated and 30 percent of GA-treated subjects demonstrated significant reduction of fine lines/wrinkles. Additionally, 46 percent of LHA-treated subjects and 34 percent of GA-treated subjects showed significant reduction of hyperpigmentation. LHA treatment was better than GA peels, although there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups, leading the researchers to conclude 5-10 percent of LHA peel is generally safe and as effective as 20–50 percent GA peel in reducing facial hyperpigmentation and fine lines/wrinkles.

Oresajo, C, et al. "Clinical tolerance and efficacy of capryloyl salicylic acid peel compared to a glycolic acid peel in subjects with fine lines/wrinkles and hyperpigmented skin." Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2008 Dec.;7(4): 259-62.

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