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Ameann DeJohn

Ameann DeJohn is a versatile industry professional with vast, real life business experience and a keen understanding of the skin care business. She is currently an active consultant, author and speaker to the beauty industry, ranging from small start-ups to prominent corporations. Ameann has been featured at national conferences and industry events, held training seminars and has been featured on many major television networks providing commentary, business advice and educational services.

Growing New Skin with Stem Cells

By Ameann DeJohn Comments

The latest development in skin care and absolutely one of the most controversial in decades, is stem cell technology. Stem cell research in health care is a hot topic, but in terms of skin care the focus is PLANT stem cells. Stem cells are vital as they generate replacement cells for multitude of cells that are lost through normal wear and tear, injury, disease and age.

In our 20's our collagen and elastin are already beginning to break down. By age 25, our skin no longer produces new cells. By using plant stem cell products our skin will actually "grow" new cells and make it function like new, youthful skin. One of the first technologies on the market was apple stem cells from the Swiss Uttwiler Spatlauber apple. The technology was developed when a researcher realized the apple remained fresh for four months after it was harvested and it had the ability to heal itself of bruises and exterior damage. This ingredient can now be found in multiple skin care creams and serums, including one Michelle Obama uses!

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