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Ameann DeJohn

Ameann DeJohn is a versatile industry professional with vast, real life business experience and a keen understanding of the skin care business. She is currently an active consultant, author and speaker to the beauty industry, ranging from small start-ups to prominent corporations. Ameann has been featured at national conferences and industry events, held training seminars and has been featured on many major television networks providing commentary, business advice and educational services.

Sharing Delivery Systems Info

By Ameann DeJohn Comments

I had such a wonderful time at SupplySide East presenting on Delivery Systems and making new contacts. The energy at the show was fantastic and the response to my presentation was amazing. Thank you to all that attended! Some of the feedback I received regarding my education session, “Delivery Systems for Active Ingredients," was that it was a very thorough explanation of how delivery systems actually worked on the skin and all the varieties there are available.

Some of my favorites to discuss were the newest innovations in the market including Activ Boost, a patented Hydroxide Releasing Technology that provides optimal absorption and penetration with no skin irritation; Sesha's PET Technology, which works to increase the solubility of the active ingredient; and Naoly's Plant Biotechnology, which is inherently a delivery system and can be manipulated to do whatever you tell it to for your skin care product. It never ceases to amaze me how far we've come in skin care technology. It was such a pleasure to share my knowledge at this show. If you'd like more information or to see the presentation, contact me at [email protected].

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